Passion for Bolton 2016
Volunteer Induction Evening Wed 11th November at 7.30pm St. Edmund's Church BL1 2JR. This is essential for everyone who wants to be involved in the Passion in any way. This evening will involve some ...

Melbourne Road urgently need furniture items
particularly beds, for refugee families who are in the process of moving. If you can help in any way please contact Debbie on 01204 64643 or 07599088322. Thank you.

Craft Fair at The Triangle Community Methodist Church
On Saturday 14th November 2015 10am to 4pm Admission free 17 stalls plus free craft workshops. Please see poster on noticeboard for further details.

Christmas Tree Festival with Food & Craft Fair
Friday 27th November to Saturday 28th November 2015 at Birtenshaw Methodist Church Admission £2 For more details see poster on noticeboard.

Imagining God
Join Rev. Gerald Downing, a retired Anglican priest, for a talk about his recent book 'Formation for knowing God' and how to get your book published. 3rd November at 3.30pm at Westhoughton Library, Li ...

Pharisee, the story of Nicodemus
The United Christian Singers will be presenting Pharisee, the story of Nicodemus, at St. John’s on Saturday 14th November at 7.30pm. This is a full costume, contemporary musical by Roger Jones. We ...

‘Fun with Antiques’ Evening
A fundraiser for MHA Beechville Amenities Fund on Wednesday 23rd September at 7.15 pm Tickets £8 includes Hotpot Supper Poster on board (or speak to Helen S)

Heritage Weekend at Victoria Hall
HERITAGE SONGS OF PRAISE on: Sunday 13TH September 6.30pm at: Victoria Hall, Knowsley Street, Bolton, BL1 2AS “TO GOD BE THE GLORY” SINGING THE FAITH OF OUR FOREBEARS Come and join us to sing the ...

Update or Transfer your Membership ?
For all who may wish to transfer their membership to St John’s and for anyone who may wish to update their membership. After the Covenant Service TODAY (6th September), I am keen to arrange an evenin ...

Ladies Group enjoy Iceland
Where shall we go today? What about a trip to Iceland for a change? We were definitely up for a challenge. So we donned our horned helmets, boarded the long boats and set sail to follow the Viking ...