This page describes the role of each of the management groups and committees at St John’s which together work to fulfil the mission of the church which is
St John’s Methodist Church is a diverse community worshipping, learning and working together to share God’s love in our neighbourhood and the world
Church Council
The council is the overall management group of the church. It meets approximately three times a year. The meetings are chaired by the minister. Members consist of those holding specific posts; stewards, treasurer, safeguarding, finance and property. Members are also elected to the council by the Annual Church Meeting to represent the church family. The council is the ultimate decision-making body of the church deciding policy and direction, making appointments to roles of responsibility, and sanctioning other activities. Responsibility for specific areas of the work of the church is delegated to various groups and committees, the work being subject to decisions of the council.
Leadership Team
This small group supports the minister in dealing with matters that arise in the normal course of events or between church councils. It consists of the minister, the senior church stewards, the church council secretary, and representation from many of the church activities such as the Worship Group, the Finance and Property group and Vestry Stewards. This group carries out the tasks usually taken on by the church stewards with the exception of vestry duties. For more information about the role of stewards follow this link
Worship Group
The worship groups contains local preachers, musicians, stewards and members of the congregation. Its activities include-
– creating a calendar of worship at St John’s for the Christian year
– considering the worship needs for specific Christian festivals
– planning and carrying out services of worship (own arrangement services)
– reviewing St John’s worship and developing insights about future directions for worship
– considering the role in worship of elements such as music, readings and drama
– reviewing the worship space and considering improvements to layout and furnishing
Finance and Property Group
This group takes day-to-day responsibility for the material upkeep of the church. In particular it –
– deals with property issues through the property stewards.
– sets budgets for different areas of the church’s work and reviews spending in relation to budgets.
– develops policy concerning financial and property matters
– organises a number of fund-raising events throughout the year.
– organises and monitors the hiring of church premises and the income received
– promotes the activities of the church