Our Minister: Reverend Robert Kasema

Rev Robert Kasema 1

Robert started his ministry here in September 2024. Further information about Robert will appear here in due course.

About St John’s Church

St.John’s Methodist Church was formed in 1974 from three local churches who were all facing challenges. It is therefore a church with a wide diversity of personalities and experiences which are now used to develop Christian faith within the church itself and to promote the love of God in the community.
Though our church building is comfortable and welcoming, we are first and foremost a friendly community of all ages who meet together for worship and fellowship.
Our worship tries to cater for all preferences in style from traditional to more adventurous and offers opportunities for the congregation to participate. Many people are also involved in supporting roles within the church.
A particular strength of St John’s is the Fellowship Group which meets every Monday morning. It is attended by a large proportion of the Sunday congregation allowing

members to share thoughts about their faith in a relaxed and supportive environment. The group links with the work of other groups at certain times such as Lent, Advent or Bible month to share the material and allow members to attend whichever group is most convenient.
St John’s Church sees itself as part of the local community with excellent facilities for groups of many sizes to meet. There are many church and community-based groups who meet to share their particular interests. The Church also supports a number of local charity projects including Food Banks, refugees and asylum seekers.
There is an organised network of pastoral care for church members and friends as well as a more informal tradition of care for one another in all the joys and sorrows that life throws at us.
In our quietness and exuberance we hope to show the love of God to one another and to those around us.