Food for Thought
Food for Thought on ‘Life in the Fast Lane’ Guest Speaker: Rev. Vivienne Smith Superintendent of the Leigh and Hindley Circuit Tuesday 29th November 2016 6pm to 8pm (arrive from 5.30pm) Sign up on ...

Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Despite a wet day, the teddy bears arrived in great numbers for their picnic. The atmosphere was great and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Thanks are due to the many people who organised it and to those ...

Resolution issued by Methodist Conference post referendum
Copies of the resolution are avaialbe in the church The statement is also shared on the Methodist Church website where it can be turned into an email which will be automatically sent to local Membe ...

Luncheon Club outing to Southport
On Thursday 12th May, the Luncheon Club members and volunteers enjoyed a day trip to Southport in glorious sunshine. Arriving at The Talbot hotel for a three course lunch, followed by a game of bingo ...

Horwich Moor – 147th Anniversary Service
Horwich Moor writes to let us know that "Our 147th. Anniversary Service is to be held on Sunday, 15th. May, '16, led by Rev. John Howard-Norman, Supt. Minister of the Blackburn Circuit, latterly of ...

Horwich Moor Information
"Ceasing to Meet" - At our recent meeting, it was agreed that we should bring forward our closure. We will now 'cease to meet' after our Service on the 15th May. There will be a further final Service ...

Horwich Heritage Open Day
Horwich Heritage are holding an Open Day & Exhibition on August 13th celebrating the history of the 22 Churches & 21 Schools in Horwich. Any pictures, memories or artefacts they could display ...

Christian Aid Week
15-21 May 2016 Here at St John's, we have scheduled in another Soup Lunch. Please add your name to the list on the notice board if you can make Sunday 8 May straight after the Annual Church Meeting. ...

Cup and Natter
St John’s Church Council has agreed that the Church will start a regular Wednesday morning meeting. This will start soon and will be called ‘Cup and Natter’ and will be led by Gwen Haslam and Pat Nort ...

A Day with John Squares
On Sunday February 10th 2016 we were delighted to welcome Rev John Squares to help us think through the way in which we would like to see St John’s develop in the next few years. John is the Learning ...