Forgotten Hymns
Come and sing favourite hymns from the Methodist Hymn Book which were omitted from Hymns & Psalms and Singing the Faith. Sunday 29th June 2014 at 4pm at Tottington Road Methodist Church, Harwood. ...

Mrs Pat Holding is organising a display of photographs of Church activities over the years for our 40th Anniversary Garden Party on Saturday 12th July. Please have a look through your photos and see w ...

Teddy Bear Afternoon Tea
A Teddy Bear Afternoon Tea will be held on Saturday 5th July at Holy Trinity Church from 2-5pm. Homemade afternoon tea platters & refreshments for adults and children will be available. Also atten ...

Willersley Castle weekend
What an enjoyable church weekend at Willersley Castle in Derbyshire! Twenty three of us spent time together walking, talking, reflecting and learning from each other - and of course, eating (too much) ...

Horwich Moor’s 145th Anniversary
Horwich Moor's 145th Anniversary service was held on Sunday 18th May, on a most beautiful warm and sunny day. Rev Jim Henderson led the inspirational service, his sermon theme being ‘The Way, the Trut ...

Redeeming our Communities
Meeting at Resource Centre, Beaumont Road, Horwich on Tuesday 27th May at 7 - 9pm. Please check details on notice board and attend to represent St John ‘s if you can.

Antiques Quiz Evening
MHA BEECHVILLE SUPPORT GROUP invites you to an ANTIQUES QUIZ EVENING at Regent Park Golf Club on Thursday 22 May at 7 pm. Speak to Pat Harrison about tickets.

Remember the Plant Sale
Spring Plants and baskets will be on sale in St John’s car park after morning service (11.30 am) on Sunday, 18th May. Many varieties of bedding plants available, also shrubs and huge hanging baskets ...

Plant Sale
Spring Plants and baskets will be on sale in St John's car park after morning service (11.30 am) on Sunday, 18th May. Many varieties of bedding plants available, also shrubs and huge hanging baskets ...

Christian Aid Events
There are a whole host of activities for everyone to be involved in this year to raise awareness and funds for Christian Aid. There should be something to suit everyone so have fun and raise funds at ...