Reflection and Remembering Service
SUNDAY 6TH DECEMBER 2015 AT ST. JOHN’S This year we will incorporate this into the Holy Communion service at 10.30am on 6th December. It will provide a peaceful opportunity for anyone to remember lov ...

Additional Stewards required at Horwich Moor
At present Christine is our only Steward. If you would be willing to serve, alongside Christine, please let Rev. Jennifer know asap.

Shoe Boxes 2015
The Shoe box season is here again. Shoe boxes will be available at St. John’s for the next few Sundays. Suggested contents for the boxes are printed on the flat packs and a guidance sheet is also prov ...

Toy Service
29th NOVEMBER 2015 at St. John’s This year, all donations will be given to children based at Melbourne Road Methodist Church. There are no specific requirements except that gifts for teenagers would ...

Pastoral Care Foundation Course
at Bedford Methodist Church in Leigh from January to March 2016. Please see the noticeboard for full details and an application form.

Christmas Tree Festival
Come and see a host of beautifully decorated trees at Ainsworth Methodist Church. Friday 27th November 6pm to 9pm Saturday 28th November 10am to 4pm Sunday 29th November 12pm to 4pm Admission is £ ...

Winter Praise
Bolton Methodist Circuit World Missions’ Committee presents WINTER PRAISE at The Triangle Methodist Church on Sunday 22nd November 2015 at 4pm Epilogue: Revd Hilary Howarth Refreshments will be s ...

Bolton Prayer Breakfast
7.30am Friday November 6th Organised by Urban Outreach The Bridge Church, 109 Bradford Street, Bolton, BL2 1JX Hear Dr Simon Duffy, of the Centre for Welfare Reform: What went wrong with our Welfa ...

St. John’s Ladies Club
Tuesday 10th November at 2.30pm Mrs Maureen Hawksworth will speak about Nepal where, after retiring, she and her husband lived for six years doing missionary work, helping to build an orphanage. They ...

Disney and his Music
A presentation of music and film by Brian Greene at Melbourne Road Methodist Church Wednesday 4th November 7.30pm Tickets £5.00 inc. light refreshments. Proceeds in aid of church funds.