Messy Church needs help
At present two people prepare the meal we serve at St John's Messy Church. One of them will soon retire and so we need a replacement. Unless someone steps forward to help with meal preparation Messy c ...

Churches Together Lent services
CHURCHES TOGETHER IN HORWICH & RIVINGTON Lent services all at 7.30pm Tue 3 Mar St Mary's - Jennifer McKenzie Service in a world which looks after number one Wed 11 Mar Independent Methodis ...

Invitation from Horwich Moor
We extend a warm welcome to our ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE at Horwich Moor at 11 am on Wednesday 18th February. DIARY DATES Friday March 20th and Saturday 21st - Attic Sale

Cafe Church
Sunday 22nd February 2015 10.30am at St John’s Food and drink for body and soul: music and conversation: things new and things familiar At this service we will sit round tables with a hot or co ...

Events coming up
Wingates Band at The Triangle Saturday 28th February 2015 at 7.30pm See Poster on Notice Board Also at New Chapel Church (New Chapel Residents Assn) on Friday 13th March at 8.00pm. Contact Nei ...

Pieces of material or small remnants
REQUEST from Rita Smith Rita would appreciate any material pieces or small remnants you may have. She wishes to make draw-string bags as presents for Beechville Residents and will be grateful for any ...

Flower List
Many thanks to all those who provided flowers during 2014. They are an important part of ministry and are appreciated by those who receive them after the service and by the congregation in Church ever ...

Dementia Friends information sessions
Dementia Friends information sessions will be taking place in Bolton over the next few months. The sessions, which are free and last about an hour, are designed to increase awareness and understandin ...

Candlemas traditional evensong service
Joint Candlemas traditional evensong service this year at 6.30 on Sunday 1st February at Rivington. Our Preacher is Canon Roger Cooper from Blackrod just prior to his retirement. There is a choir pra ...

Vacancy for an Ecumenical Facilitator
Greater Manchester Churches Together Vacancy for an Ecumenical Facilitator Salary: £18K. A part-time post (20 hours a week) for a fixed term of 18 months with a strong possibility of a renewed cont ...