Christmas Cards
The Financial Planning Group at St. John’s are once again organising a Church Christmas card. We will arrange to have a Christmas card sent from you to be delivered to all Church members who join th ...

Ladybridge Singers
LADYBRIDGE SINGERS are giving a concert at Melbourne Road Methodist Church on Friday 21st November 2014 at 7.3Opm. Admission including light refreshments £5. Proceeds for kitchen refurbishment fund ...

St. John’s Pastoral Committee
will meet on Weds 15th October at Jennifer McKenzie's house at 7.30pm. St. John's do need one or two more Pastoral Visitors so if you feel you could help in this important work please see Jennifer M ...

Passion for Bolton 2015
Forms are available on the noticeboard for anyone wishing to volunteer for this exciting event. There will be a Volunteer Induction Evening for ALL volunteers on Thurs 13th November at the Victoria ...

Mental Health Matters
Sat 25th October 10am to 4pm at Bramhall Methodist Church, Stockport. A fascinating and important opportunity to explore how churches and faith groups can respond effectively to the mental health ne ...

Seminar on Mark’s Gospel
We have a great opportunity to hear from Professor Morna Hooker Stacey who is willing to lead a seminar on Mark’s Gospel for us as she is to preach in the Harwood section of the Circuit on 26th Octobe ...

Gala Concert
Bolton Choral Union, The Brixi Singers, Ladybridge Singers and members of Bolton Symphony Orchestra present a GALA CONCERT in aid of the upkeep of the Victoria Hall Saturday 18th October at 7.30pm a ...

Fairtrade Party
You are invited to a Fairtrade Party at St. John’s on Tuesday October 21st from 7.30pm-9.30pm Supper, entertainment & a chance to exchange views about Horwich as a Fairtrade Town. RSVP to Barbara ...

Harvest Service – 12th October 2014
This year we will have a Harvest Café Church on Sunday 12th October Again, we are requesting gifts for those in need in three areas: During the café church we will create a “Tower of Tins”. As las ...

Ladies Club
St. John’s Ladies Club on Tuesday 7th October at 2.30pm Mrs Margaret Hawksworth will be the speaker, accompanied by her husband, Mr Michael Hawksworth, a local preacher on our plan. The presentatio ...