Christmas Services
You are warmly invited to join us during the festive season. Sunday, 15 December - Carol Service; Sunday 22 December - Morning Service; Wednesday, 25 December - Christmas Day Service. All services ...

“The Messiah” at Bridgewater Hall
As a magnificent start to the Christmas season a group of 30 from St John's will be attending Bridgewater Hall in Manchester on the 7 December for a performance of "The Messiah".

Circuit Winter Praise Service at St John’s
The Circuit Winter Praise Service 'Mission Together' will be held at St John's on Sunday, 17 November. Tea/Coffee and cakes will be served between 3.30 pm and 4 pm and the Praise Service will start a ...

Diary Date – Food for Thought
Rev Hilary Howarth will be the speaker at our next FOOD FOR THOUGHT on Tuesday, 12 November.

Harvest Thanksgiving Service
will be on Sunday, 6th October at 10.30 am and we look forward to welcoming back Rev Graham Smith to lead our worship. On the day, gifts of dry goods for Urban outreach and an envelope collection for ...

Messy Church
Our next Messy Church will be on 27 June. Fore more information please check out our Messy Church page on this web site.