Biscuits for sale
Our Send a Cow mission project is benefiting from the efforts of Margaret Wardle who is selling home-made "Cow" biscuits (and buns) to have with coffee after church (or to take home). They are going s ...

Messy Church at St John’s
Thursday, 12 October at 3.30 pm will be our next Messy Church. For more information please check out our Messy Church page on our web site.

‘On the Farm’ Garden Party
Saturday, 23 September 2 pm - 4.30 pm. Come and join us. Enter our competition for best decorated egg. Enjoy the Games, Stalls, Musical entertainment and a Quiz. Tickets available from Janice Estco ...

Look out for the milk churn
The "Send a Cow" milk churn and milking stool is out and about. This is our regular means of donating to our church Mission Partner - The Kakrao project in Western Kenya. Look out for it in Cup and Na ...

Mission Service launches “Send a Cow”
On Sunday 13th August 2017 the Sunday service at St John's reflected on our call to Mission under the heading "INASMUCH....", referring to the passage in Matthew's gospel in which Jesus says "Inasmuch ...