Food for Thought – View from Australia

On June 29th we held our third Food for Thought evening. We heard from Dr Tim Senior about his work as a GP in Australia with a number of isolated communities as well as people living in deprived urban settings, most notably aboriginal indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islanders. He spoke about the way in which they had lost the basis of their lives by land being taken by immigrant colonists and their children removed from their families. The resulting inequality in Australian society can be seen in all aspects of life and particularly in health. This relationship between inequality and health is seen throughout the world including the UK. There is a continuous gradation between poverty and health; no level at which people are suddenly more healthy. Tim invited us to define health and then showed two definitions, one based on the aboriginal view and one on traditional western culture. The difference is the way in which whole communities are, or are not, involved in support networks, which is the basis of the aboriginal definition of health . This has clear messages for us about God’s kingdom of justice and peace.