March 27, 2015 in Archive MHA Beechville Support Group – Quiz Night Brian 0 Like Post You are invited to a Quiz Night at Regent Park Golf Club on Wednesday 15th April 7 for 7.30pm start Make up team on night or max 6 Tickets: inc Hotpot Supper £8 (Helen S – 669115)
November 29, 2015 Archive Lighting of the Civic Christmas Tree and Carol Service Friday 4th December at 6pm at the Crown Roundabout, Horwich. Please see the poster on… by Brian 0
November 29, 2015 Archive Travellin’ Strings Christmas Show Friday 11th December at 7.30pm Melbourne Road Methodist Church Tickets £5 including light refreshments. Proceeds… by Brian 0
November 29, 2015 Archive Shoppers’ Carol Singing Carol Singers needed! Friday 11th December at the Smyths Toy Appeal Event 4pm to 5pm.… by Brian 0