Reflection and Remembering Service

Sunday 7th December 2014 at 4pm
Advent and Christmas can be a challenging time for many people. It is
difficult to be joyful when someone close to you has died and
memories or absence overwhelm the festivities. For others, there
might have been some family experience or simply the world news
which is at odds with the season’s greetings. Christmas, for many
people, is not a season longed for. Whether you wish to remember
someone who has died, a loss, a hurt or a world which contradicts the
message of peace and goodwill; whether you wish to represent
someone else or simply wish some peaceful and reflective time before
the demands of the season dominate, you are invited to the service.
There will be prayers, time to reflect and an opportunity to light a
candle in memory of someone, some experience or some place.
All are welcome.