Help Wanted with Messy Church

St John’s Messy Church urgently needs your help as a number of our volunteers are unable to continue. We meet once a month in term time on a Thursday from 3.30 to 6pm. We need someone to come before 3.30 to help with food preparation and they would be able to leave well before 6pm. Ask Janice Estcourt if you want to know more. We also need a few people who will help to run craft activities with the children who are aged 4 to 9 years old. Ask Pat Harrison or Janice Estcourt if you want to know more.
Messy Church is an important part of what we do at St John’s. Each time between 25 and 30 children come with a parent or carer. The things they do are usually based around a Bible story. For example in September it will be Jesus’ parable about the man who decided to build bigger barns and it will have a link to harvest time. After a short introduction they will make things relevant to the story and then bring them into chapel for a short act of worship led by Brian Senior before everyone has a meal together.
Please consider prayerfully what contribution you might be able to offer. We don’t want to restrict or even terminate this really good work. You will probably find yourself outside your comfort zone [we all did initially!] but it is a really rewarding thing to do.
The Messy team will meet on 21st August so a response before then would be very helpful. Thank you in anticipation, Jim Hodgkinson, Messy Church Co-ordinator.