August 1, 2014 in Archive Help Needed! Brian 0 Like Post Urban Outreach are seeking support for ‘Bolton Lunch 2014’ to prepare lunches for children who receive free lunches during term time – but nothing in the holidays. See letter on notice board with all the details.
November 29, 2015 Archive Lighting of the Civic Christmas Tree and Carol Service Friday 4th December at 6pm at the Crown Roundabout, Horwich. Please see the poster on… by Brian 0
November 29, 2015 Archive Travellin’ Strings Christmas Show Friday 11th December at 7.30pm Melbourne Road Methodist Church Tickets £5 including light refreshments. Proceeds… by Brian 0
November 29, 2015 Archive Shoppers’ Carol Singing Carol Singers needed! Friday 11th December at the Smyths Toy Appeal Event 4pm to 5pm.… by Brian 0