Bill and Ellie Miller lunch at St John’s
On Sunday 21st April St John's welcomed back Bill and Ellie miller. A large proportion of the congregation stayed for lunch and had chance to renew old friendships. To find out more about the even and ...

Storehouse Project
With concerns for the increasing number of families in Horwich facing greater impoverishment we are beginning the further development of our local Churches Together Storehouse project by attempting to ...

Quiet Day at Hyning 2013
Our Quiet Day this year will be on Wednesday 15th May and will be led by Reverend Jennifer. As usual we will be welcomed by the sisters at 10.00 am for coffee and leave about 4.30 pm. The cost is appr ...

Bolton & Rochdale District Consultation Evening
Tuesday, 30th April, Chew Moor Methodist Church 7.00 – 9.00pm If you are interested in attending this District event, please collect a leaflet from the church foyer. There are also sessions being h ...

St John’s General Church Meeting
St John's Annual Church Meeting will be on Sunday 28th April after the morning service. This is an important meeting in the life of the church. It gives members the opportunity to review the work o ...

Bolton Festival Choir – Saturday 20th April
Bolton Festival Choir are holding a ‘Singing Day’ at St John’s and, as last year, they will perform what they have learned, ‘Dido & Aeneas’ by Purcell, in a FREE Concert at 4pm for about 45 mins! ...

MHA Beechville Support Group Cabaret Evening
Cabaret at Bolton Golf Club, Chorley New Road on Friday 19th April at 7.30 pm Vocalist Rob Keen, Dancing and Hotpot Supper Tickets £10 from Helen Stuart, Pat Harrison or Beechville for Amenities F ...

Webb Ivory Fundraising for St Johns
The final amount raised for 2012 was £27.63 which has been paid into Church funds. There is fierce competition in the area of Christmas gifts, wraps & cards etc and I feel that, although any amou ...

Special Lunch for Bill and Ellie Miller
Rev Bill Miller and his wife Ellie are visiting Horwich in April and plan to attend services at both St John’s and Horwich Moor on Sunday 21st April. So that Bill and Ellie can meet as many old frien ...

Hand-knitted Scarves
We are trying to raise some funds for church selling hand knitted scarves. A selection of styles and colours are available in the foyer after the service. If you don't see the colour you would like th ...