Two Events worthy of support
Details on Church Notice Board At North Bolton Mission on Saturday 2nd March at 7.30 pm A Lancashire Lass At Thrum Hall Church , Rochdale on Saturday 9th March Share a day with Paul Field

Live Music Concert
Featuring Luke Jackson and Brightshapes Saturday 2nd March at 7.30pm at Longsight Methodist Church Hall Tickets £10 with discounts for groups of 10 people or more.

Lent Services
Tuesday 26th February at 7.30pm Horwich Evangelical Church, Wright Street ‘Guided By God's Law' – Rev Stephen Fletcher

Children’s Corner
St John’s welcome all ages to worship with us. We have a designated area for children and their parents or guardians in which we have material and activities for use. Please ask the door stewards for ...

Visit of Bill and Ellie Miller
Rev Bill Miller from North Carolina, USA was minister at St John’s and Horwich Moor during 2008. Bill and his wife Ellie are visiting Horwich in April and plan to attend services at both St John’s and ...