Don’t forget BRASS at Christmas

No not the ‘brass’ you spend on presents and food but the “Befriending Refugees and Asylum Seekers (B.R.A.S.S.) organisation in Bolton.
BRASS in Bolton aims to:-
- Reduce isolation by helping asylum seekers to integrate fully within the Bolton Community.
- Break down barriers that have been created by negative media coverage and misinformation.
- Offer a relaxed, informal atmosphere where these displaced people can meet.
How Can We Help at St. John’s
We urgently need food to distribute to BRASS contacts that receive no financial help whilst their cases are being assessed. The people at St. John’s have been most generous in donating provisions each week, which are delivered on your behalf to the Victoria Hall Centre. As you would expect we can always do with more. So let’s give them a Christmas and New Year to remember by leaving your gifts in the box in the Church entrance hall.
Thanks again