Mission Service launches “Send a Cow”

On Sunday 13th August 2017 the Sunday service at St John’s reflected on our call to Mission under the heading “INASMUCH….”, referring to the passage in Matthew’s gospel in which Jesus says “Inasmuch as you did it for one of these the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me”. This was therefore the opportunity to launch St John’s Mission Project which is to be a Mission Partner supporting “Send a Cow” in a specific project helpng the region of Kakrao in Western Kenya. This is an area where 1 in 7 people suffer from HIV AIDS and struggle to grow enough food to feed their families or to sell for the income to buy what they need and send children to school. During the service we learned a bit about the background to the project and we heard from Sylvia Owino, the field officer who will be supporting the work on the ground. This was then the first opportunity for us to make a financial commitment to the work. Click on the link below to see the PowerPoint presentation of the service.
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